Unipol Gruppo Finanziario presents its 2010-2012 Sustainability Plan and 2009 Sustainability Report in Perugia

Friday, July 2, 2010

UGF’s 2010-2012 Sustainability Plan and 2009 Sustainability Report were presented today in the Sala dei Notari [Notaries’ Room] in Perugia, in the presence of the Chairman of Unipol’s Regional Board in Umbria Paolo Bocci, the Mayor of Perugia Wladimiro Boccali, Davide Pati, a member of Associazione Libera’s National Management, the Chairman of Agenzia Umbria Ricerche Claudio Carnieri and the Chairman of Linear Federico Corradini. The meeting was opened by Francesco Filippetti, Secretary of Confesercenti Umbria.