Operations on capital and loans

Below is a summary of the main operations on capital involving Unipol Ordinary and Preference shares and information on the loans issued by the Group.

Unipol ordinary share

DateOperationissue/conversion priceissue ratio or matching ratio or conversion ratio
Jan-90 Offer on 5,280,500 Unipol Ordinary shares and listing 22,800 11.775    
apr-92 Capital increase - shares rights issue at L. 8,000 - ratio 9:10 8,000 4.132  9  10
Aug-96 Shares split and halving of nominal value from L. 2,000 to L. 1,000        
Oct-96 Capital increase - shares rights issue cum warrant (1 warrant every 1 share) at L. 4,500 - ratio 2:5 4,500 2.324  2  5
Oct-96 Warrant allocation (1 warrant each 1 new share)      1  1
Dec-99 Warrant conversion (1 share every 3 warrants at L. 4,500) 4,500 2.324  1  3
Jun-00 Capital increase - share rights issue cum warrant (1 warrant every 1 new share) at L. 6,200 - ratio 6:10) 6,200 3.202  6  10
Jun-00 Allocation of warrants associated with shares (1 warrant each 1 new share)      1 1
Jun-00 Bonds rights issue at L. 6,200 - ratio 3 bonds every 10 shares held with associated warrants (5 warrants for each bond) 6,200 3.202  3  10
Jun-00 Allocation of warrants associated with bonds  (5 warrants for each bond)      5  1
Jun-03 Capital increase - shares rights issue  at €3.40 - ratio 39:50   3.400 39 50
Jun-05 Shares allocation from warrant conversion   2.883  1 5
set-05 Elimination of par value        
Oct-05 Capital increase - shares rights issue at €2.050 - ratio 13:9   2.054  13  9
Jun-10 Capital increase: rights issue at €0.445 per share, option ratio 3:7
Warrant allocation: 1 warrant per 1 new share 
  0.445 3 7
Jul-12 Capital increase: rights issue at €2 per share-option ratio 20:1   2 20 1
Dec-13 Warrant exercise deadline (2 shares per 1,300 warrants at €61.024)   61.024 2


Unipol preference share

DateOperationissue/conversion priceissue ratio or matching ratio or conversion ratio
May-86                   Offer on 14,444,825 Unipol Preference shares and listing 6,800 3.511907    
Sep-87 Issue of free shares (ratio 1:10)      1  10
Sep-88 Issue of free shares (ratio 1:10) 0 0  1  10
Sep-88 Capital increase - shares rights issue at L. 8,000 - ratio 1:10 8,000 4.131655 1  10
apr-92 Capital increase - shares rights issue at L. 5,000 - ratio 9:10 5,000 2.582  9  10
Aug-96 Shares split and halving of nominal value from L. 2,000 to L. 1,000        
Oct-96 Capital increase - shares rights issue cum warrant (1 warrant every 1 share) at L. 2,500 - ratio 2:5 2,500 1.291  2  5
Oct-96 Warrant allocation (1 warrant each 1 new share)      1  1
Dec-99 Warrant conversion (1 share every 3 warrants at L. 2,500) 2,500 1.291  1  3
Jun-00 Capital increase - shares rights issue cum warrant (1 warrant each 1 new share) at L. 2,700 - ratio 6:10 2,700 1.394  6  10
Jun-00 Allocation of warrants associated with shares (1 warrant each 1 new share)      1 1
Jun-00 Bonds rights issue at L. 2,700 - ratio 3 bonds every 10 shares held with associated warrants (5 warrants each bond) 2,700 1.394  3 10
Jun-00 Allocation of warrants associated with bonds (5 warrants each 1 new bond)      5 1
Jun-03 Capital increase - shares rights issue at €1.35 - ratio 39:50   1.350 39 50
Jun-05 Shares allocation from warrant conversion   1.202  5 1
set-05 Elimination of par value        
Oct-05 Capital increase - shares rights issue at €1.56 - ratio 13:9   1.560  13 9
Jun-10 Capital increase: rights issue at €0.300 per share, option ratio 3:7   0.300 3 7
Warrant allocation: 1 warrant per 1 new share
Jul-12 Capital increase: rights issue at 0.975 per share-option ratio 20:1   0.975 20 1
Dec-13 Warrant exercise deadline (2 shares per 1,300 warrants at €43.487)   43.487 2 1,300

Last update 19/10/2012 18.35 



Issuer: Unipol Gruppo S.p.A.

ISIN Typology Amount Euro/mln Issue and coupon date Maturity date Callable date Coupon recurrence Rate
type target rate spread
XS1206977495 senior unsecured (Q) 1,000 03/18/2015 03/18/2025 - yearly fixed 3.000% -
XS1725580622 senior unsecured (Q) 500 11/29/2017 11/29/2027 - yearly fixed 3.500% -
XS2237434803 senior unsecured (Q) 1,000 09/23/2020 09/23/2030 - yearly fixed 3.250% -

Issuer: UnipolSai Assicurazioni S.p.A.

ISIN Typology Amount
Issue and
coupon date
Rate Tier
Rate target
XS2249600771 subordinated (Q) 500 10/27/2020 perpetual 10/27/2030 half-yearly fixed 6,38% - T1
XS1784311703 subordinated (Q) 500 03/01/2018 03/01/2028 yearly fixed 3,88% T2
IT0005596207 subordinated (Q) 750 05/23/2024 05/23/2034 - yearly fixed 4,90% - T2

(Q) = Listed on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange
*Quarterly callable after first call date

Last updated:Jul 10 2024