Opening New Ways Strategic Plan 2022-2024


  • Brand & Reputation

    Brand & Reputation

    UnipolSai compared to the Insurance Sector:
    ‘Top of Mind’ December 2021*

    Unipol compared to the Insurance Sector: reputation trends with the general public**

    • 1 out of 4 Italians cites UnipolSai as the first insurance company that comes to mind (Top of Mind)
    • Unipol at maximum reputation levels in the insurance sector
    • High credibility for innovative and evolving initiatives

    * Source: First operator spontaneously mentioned - Research on the reputation and brand equity of insurance companies in Italy - Demoskopea Consulting - Research Custom Unipol 2021
    ** Source: The RepTrak Company™
    Research Custom Unipol 2019-2021

  • Customer base

    15.5 mln
    Group Customers
    • 70% Customers with digital interaction
    • 4 mln apps downloaded
    • 170 mln minutes spent on digital touch points
    • 1 direct communication with Customers every 10 days
    • 75% contactable Customers

    • The size of the Customer Base enhances the Insurance strategy and enables ecosystems approach
    • Strong Customer engagement: most used app in the Italian insurance market, high levels of digital interaction and significant communication frequency
  • Data & analytics

    TeraByte of Data
    • Over 4 mln telematic devices
    • 11 mln telematic services provided
    • 3.7 bn journeys recorded
    • Artificial Intelligence
    • 800 mln interactions on Digital Touch Points
    • 25 mln logins on Digital Touch Points

    Insurance Value Chain

  • Motor model

    Over 10 mln
    vehicles insured
    • Distinctive Offer in terms of insurance and beyond insurance services
    • Over 90 variables for motor pricing
    • Injuries management model
    • 800,000 post-accident interventions provided directly
    • > 700,000 spare parts intermediated
    • 2,700 UnipolService body repair shops, 215 UnipolGlass centres
    • Premium positioning in terms of offering a wide range of coverages and services
    • Motor TPL market leader:
    • - Current year Loss Ratio* (63.5% compared to 69.6%) - Current year settlement speed** (77.3% compared to 73.9%) - Current year average cost of paid claims** (€2,607 compared to €2,843)
    • Full supervision of the claims management process to ensure financial efficiency and transparency

    * UnipolSai compared to industry average (excluding UnipolSai); source: ANIA, 2020 figures
    ** UnipolSai compared to industry average (excluding UnipolSai); source: IVASS, 2020 figures

  • Health model

    11 mln
    • €750m premiums
    • Over 500 Operators Proprietary telephone operations centre
    • 51 healthcare funds managed
    • 60 doctors in the company
    • 4.3 mln claims managed
    • Over 20,000 affiliated medical centres in Italy and abroad
    • Leading Group in the Italian Health business
    • Single integrated model of insurance management and service development
    • Network with the best public and private affiliated healthcare facilities
    • Direct provision of services offered by UniSalute
  • Agency Network

    > 2,100
    • Agreement 2.0 Partnership with the Network
    • 30,000 professionals
    • 750,000 leads from digital channels
    • ~ 600 agents under 45
    • 2,000 Insurance and Beyond Insurance specialists
    • 8,000 sales points on average reachable within 10 minutes from home
    • Consolidated partnership based on shared strategy, targets and economics
    • Specialisation of the Agency Network overseeing the different market segments
    • High-Performing distribution network including for the Beyond Insurance initiatives
  • Banking Networks

    • 2,612 Number of branches
    • ~5.9 mln Customers
    • ~10% Non-Life Insurance penetration *
    • Unique bancassurance model (Arca Vita and Arca Assicurazioni are dedicated companies with about 400 employees) that enhances Unipol Group assets in favour of the bancking partners
    • Strong oversight of the banking channel in terms of both local presence and target customers

    * Estimate based on BPER and BP Sondrio customer

Strategic guidelines

Consolidate the Group's technical and distribution excellence, through an increasingly intensive use of Data and Analytics
Develop a new platform for the Retail insurance offer, by exploiting the effectiveness of the leading agency network and completing the omnichannel evolution of the distribution model
Strengthen leadership in the health business by enhancing the UniSalute centre of excellence in support of all the Group's Distribution Networks
Life products offer with a Life-Cycle perspective and optimised capital absorption
Strengthen the bancassurance business model by enhancing the Group’s distinctive capabilities for the benefit of the banking partners
Accelerate the evolution of the Group’s offer by further extending the Mobility ecosystem and strengthening the Welfare and Property ecosystems
Digital evolution in the operating model through intensive use of new technologies, data, automation and the evolution of the company’s organisation

Target and KPI

  • Insurance KPIs

    2024 Target Δ vs 2021
    Non-Life Premiums €8.9bn + 4.5%  CAGR
    of which Motor €4.2bn + 3.1% CAGR
    of which non-Motor* €3.7bn + 4.7% CAGR
    of which Health €1.0bn + 10.0% CAGR
    CoR Non-Life (net of reinsurance) 92.6 %  - 2.7 p.p.
    Life premiums €5.8bn + 2.5% CAGR
    Present Value Future Profit Margin 3.5 % + 0.5 p.p.

    * Excludes Health Business

  • Financial and Sustainability KPIs

    Unipol Group
    2022-2024 TARGET
    2022-2024 TARGET
    Cumulative consolidated net profit* 2022-2024 €2,3bn €2,3bn
    Cumulative dividends 2022-2024 €0.75bn €1.4 bn
      2024 Target
    Share of products with environmental and social value 30%
    Finance for the SDGs
    (increase in amount of thematic investments for the SDGs)
    Reputational Index
    (reputation score among the general public
    according to RepTrak® methodology)
    > Average insurance sector
    Unipol management incentive system 20% incentive long-term system linked to ESG targets

    * Consolidated normalised profit (excluding Employee Solidarity Fund) calculated on the basis of current accounting standards

Opening New Ways Strategic Plan 2022-2024

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