Vision, Mission and Values


We want to be a great Italian group, proud of its journey, that knows how to be close to people and to their needs, a market leader able to offer and receive trust, to work competently, simply and fast, creating value for all stakeholders.

We want to bring more security into the lives of people and trust for the future, accompanying them in choices regarding protection, savings and quality of life thanks to the active presence of our networks across the country.

We want to listen to and value our people in an inclusive environment, by supporting their growth and development through choices based on merit.

We want to present ourselves as an innovative partner for development matters in our country, offering the skills, resources and tools to address economic and social change and oversee the effects of the same. We want to give value to the social aspect of our business by supporting initiatives and projects that may promote a more cohesive and sustainable.


We are responsible for improving our customers’ quality of life by offering solutions for the protection, support and realisation of their projects.

We pursue business management that is efficient, profitable and sustainable over time, based on the contribution and empowerment of our people.

We strive to work with simplicity, effectiveness and organisational and operational transparency to remain close to stakeholder needs.

We are committed to promoting an innovation culture focused on greater benefits for customers.

We undertake to contribute to the creation of new solutions and instruments to improve social wellbeing.

What we believe in

5 values represent a source of inspiration and provide an indication of the standards of behaviour:

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