Responsible Business Conduct

Unipol has policies and rules on behaviour with customers, tax transparency, relations with institutional stakeholders and interest representatives, human rights in our sphere of influence, compliance and ethics.

Tax Transparency

The Group’s approach aims to ensure the correct application of tax regulations, maintaining a high degree of transparency in relations with financial administration bodies.

Behaviour with Customers

Over time the Group has spread a culture of accessibility and transparency at all corporate levels and has defined stringent control procedures involving the various corporate structures in order to fulfil the commitments made.

Institutional Relations and Interest Representatives

Unipol openly and transparently supports the discussion of issues and initiatives that may influence or be influenced by Group activities.

Fair dealing in business conduct

The creation of shared and sustainable value from an economic social and environmental perspective had always guided the Group’s actions.

Human Rights

In the Code of Ethics and Sustainability Policy, the Group has outlined principles and guidelines for managing the human rights impacts of our business.