Protecting and Adding Value to Data

In the Unipol Data Vision, we have made precise commitments regarding the protection and valorisation of personal data to all customers and stakeholders who interact with Group companies.

The availability and proper use of personal data by insurance companies lies at the heart of the process to create and develop innovative products, services and solutions that respond to the actual needs of our customers. The creation of shared value for Unipol and for the community in which Unipol operates assumes the existence of a transparent, balanced relationship between the parties: this is the only way to realise the great social and economic development opportunities connected to the analysis of data.

The commitment of the Unipol Group to protect and add value to the personal data are contained in the “Policy to protect and add value to personal data” approved by the Board of Directors with the aim of consolidating the trust that customers and all stakeholders have in the insurance company.

We process your data according to our values RESPECT We take care of your data, more every day PROTECTION We generate benefits for you, for us, for society VALUE CREATION We transparently inform you about data use DISCLOSURE We build solutions that start from the individual UNDERSTANDING