Non-financial Information
Unipol Group’s policies and actions contribute to Sustainable Development Goals
The decision to integrate the Consolidated Non-Financial Statement (NFS), pursuant to Italian Legislative Decree 254/2016, into the “Annual Integrated Report” (or “Integrated Report”) aims to make it part of a continuous improvement process, well beyond mere compliance with legal and regulatory provisions. In line with best international practice, in order to check the compliance of its Non-Financial Reporting with the provisions of the Decree and the “Sustainability Reporting Standards” issued in 2016 by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and used according to the “GRI Referenced” approach, the annual integrated report undergoes a limited assurance process, according to the ISAE3000 standard. In addition, for the reporting of information related to climate change, reference is made to the recommendations published by the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) in June 2017, as well as the more recent “Guidelines on Reporting Climate-Related Information” of the European Commission, as additional support for reporting on a topic that is increasingly important and complex in light of the growing expectations of stakeholders.
Consult the table to learn more about the arrangement non-financial content and how the policies and actions of the Unipol Group support the achievement of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
How we create value for our Stakeholders
The figure “value generated” (15,713 €ml) is obtained from sales revenues (net premiums earned and net financial income), listed in the Group's Consolidated Income Statement.
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