Climate Change

Unipol has always been highly conscious of the issue of environmental protection and tackling climate change.

In 2015, Unipol published a position paper called “Unipol for climate” where it set out its vision on the need to implement a prevention and management model for natural disasters based on cooperation between public and private parties, adopting mutually beneficial tools of an insurance nature to manage the increasing risks resulting from climate change and to address the huge compensation amounts expected, especially in the specific context of Italy.

In June 2022, the Board of Directors of the Unipol Group adopted the Unipol Group strategy on climate change.

Referring to the recommendations issued by the Climate-related financial disclosures, Unipol is consolidating its process to report on financial information connected to climate.

In accordance with the Group’s commitment to support the transition towards a low carbon emission economy and society, the Unipol Group supports international initiatives aimed at tackling climate change:



Unipol signed the Principles for Responsible Investment in 2017, undertaking to incorporate social, environmental and governance factors into its assessment of investments.

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Global Compact

In 2018, the Unipol Group joined the UN Global Compact, a United Nations initiative. Principles 7, 8 and 9 of the Global Compact relate to environmental protection.

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In November 2020 Unipol became a supporter of the Task Force on Climate-Related Disclosures to consolidate its commitment to report on climate-related information.

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Unipol became a signee of UNEP FI Principles for Sustainable Insurance in March 2021.

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In May 2022, Unipol joined the Net Zero Asset Owner Alliance, thereby undertaking to reduce the emissions of its investment portfolios to zero net emissions of greenhouse gases by 2050.

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Climate Action 100+

UnipolSai joined Climate Action 100+, a partnership promoted by the investors (UNPRI, CERES) to involve the most polluting companies in terms of greenhouse gas emissions to improve governance of the climate change issue.

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The Unipol Group is a CDP investor signatory to promote the disclosure of information relating to the environment and related commitments. Unipol also takes part in the CDP, filling out the climate change questionnaire.

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Climate Governance
Climate Strategy
Climate Risks
Products, services and investments to tackle climate change
The main targets and indicators
Project Life ADA - ADaptation in Agriculture
Project Life DERRIS
Protection of biodiversity