Shareholders' Meeting - Lists of candidates for the Board of Statutory Auditors

Saturday, April 6, 2013

In accordance with the law and the by-Laws the majority shareholder, Finsoe S.p.A. (Finanziaria dell’Economia Sociale S.p.A.), has submitted only one list of candidates for appointment to the Board of Statutory Auditors of Unipol Gruppo Finanziario S.p.A., which is on the agenda for the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting called in single call for 30 April 2013.
Therefore, in accordance with Article. 144-sexies, para. 5, of the Issuer Regulation, Shareholders who, alone or in combination with other Members, own shares representing at least 1,25% of the ordinary share capital that has voting rights have until 8 April 2013 to submit further lists of candidates for the Board of Auditors. The Company will publish the information and the documentation relating to the lists submitted in accordance with the law.