Shareholders' Meeting: List for the appointment of the Board of Directors and Statutory Auditors published

Thursday, April 7, 2016

With regard to the appointment of the Board of Directors and the Board of Statutory Auditors of Unipol Gruppo Finanziario S.p.A. (“UGF”), on the agenda of the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting scheduled on 28 April 2016, it is hereby announced that, pursuant to current law, the respective lists of candidates for Director and Statutory Auditor submitted in accordance with the law and the company by-laws:

  • by the shareholder Finsoe S.p.A. – Finanziaria dell’Economia Sociale S.p.A., holder of 225,316,008 shares, equal to 31.404% of the share capital (List 1);
  • by certain asset management companies and institutional investors holding shares in UGF, for a total of 8,045,834 shares, equal to 1.121% of the share capital (List 2),

are made available to the public – at the registered office and Borsa Italiana S.p.A., as well as on the website of the company (under the Section Corporate Governance/Shareholders’ Meetings/Meeting April 2016) - both accompanied by the required documentation.