Purchase of Unipol ordinary shares by certain subsidiaries to service the respective compensation plans based on financial instruments

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

With reference to the press release dated 15 June 2016 on the start, as of 16 June 2016, of programmes for the purchase of ordinary shares (the "Shares") Unipol Gruppo Finanziario S.p.A. ("UGF"), by the following indirect subsidiaries of the same: Popolare Vita S.p.A. (“Popolare Vita”), SIAT S.p.A. (“SIAT”), UnipolSai Servizi Consortili S.c.r.l. (“UnipolSai Servizi Consortili”) and Auto Presto & Bene S.p.A. (“Auto Presto & Bene”), to service the Compensation plans based on financial instruments of the performance share type, for the Management staff of the aforementioned subsidiaries for the years 2013-2015, UGF announces the following.

Pursuant to and in accordance with Article 87-bis of the Issuers' Regulation and Article 4, paragraph 4 of EU Commission Regulation No. 2273 of 2003, on 16 June 2016 the aforementioned subsidiaries purchased on the regulated market a total number of 225,000 Shares (equal to approximately 0.03% of UGF share capital) for a total of €568,201.31. 

 In detail:

  • 85,000 Shares were purchased by Popolare Vita, at an average price of €2.5254, for a total of €214,657.43;
  • 55,000 Shares were purchased by SIAT, at an average price of €2.5254, for a total of €138,895.28;
  • 70,000 Shares were purchased by UnipolSai Servizi Consortili, at an average price of €2.5252, for a total of €176.765,29; 
  • 15,000 Shares were purchased by Auto Presto & Bene, at an average price of €2.5254, for a total of €37.881,58.

Pursuant to the above-mentioned provisions of law, for each subsidiary a summary of the individual purchase transactions performed indicating the number of shares, their respective price and the time of completion is attached hereto.

Moreover, it should be noted that, through the transactions described, the aforementioned companies concluded their respective Programmes for the purchase of shares.

On the date hereof, UGF holds a total of 9,818,375 ordinary treasury shares (equal to approximately 1.37% of share capital), of which 6,319,814 directly and 3,498,561 indirectly through the subsidiaries UnipolSai Assicurazioni S.p.A. (3,108,860), Unisalute S.p.A. (51,244), Compagnia Assicuratrice Linear S.p.A. (14,743), Arca Vita S.p.A. (80,148), Arca Assicurazioni S.p.A. (18,566), Popolare Vita (85,000), SIAT (55,000), UnipolSai Servizi Consortili (70,000) and Auto Presto & Bene (15,000).