Corporate supplementary agreement of the Group

On 8 October, an arrangement is reached and signed with the trade unions for the renewal of the corporate Supplementary Agreement (CIA) for Unipol Gruppo Finanziario.
The same for the Unipol Group companies in the insurance sector.

The corporate supplementary agreement being signed has characteristics of significant innovation in the industry. In particular:

Unipol becomes the first major Group in the insurance industry to achieve an effective harmonization and unification of contractual conditions (both financial and regulatory) for all employees, regardless of their Company of origin or place of work, superseding all previous existing contractual rules in force at the various Group companies.

Under the new Supplementary Agreement, the following principles have been set out:

  • single working time for all offices starting in 2013, with streamlining and harmonization of various forms of permit (no longer by office or depending on the company of origin, but totally identical and related to actual and real needs);
  • Business productivity bonus divided by category levels without differentiation of amounts by seniority class, only Group in the industry to have superseded seniority classes for such rule;
  • health coverage handled by Unisalute with the offering of a comprehensive service provided by partner health care facilities, which, through direct payment and resulting volumes, enables a more effective containment and control of the average cost of benefits. The traditional reimbursement procedure is still set alongside the partner network with some appropriate forms of differentiation (different ceilings, deductibles on some services, etc.). The principle of channeling towards Group companies also concerns Mortgages and loans to employees, which are disbursed and managed by Unipol Banca.
  • negotiation of a five-year term for the new Supplementary Agreement.