
Complex decade economically and politically, marked by the first terrorist attacks on a global scale and one of the worst financial crises ever recorded since the ‘30s. In Europe, the Euro enters the stage.



The identity of the Group that has just been formed strengthens thanks to initiatives, events and advertising campaigns through which the Company’s new organizational structure and system of values is channeled.


Carlo Salvatori leaves Unipol

At the Board of Directors of 17 December, the Chief Executive Officer Carlo Salvatori announces his exit from the Group. He also expressed the intention to propose the current General Manager Carlo Cimbri as a candidate for the post of Chief Executive Officer.


The great corporate event “ONE”

On 26 September, the first corporate event “ONE” is organized in the Cesena stadium in the presence of over 12,000 people, including employees and agents.


Project ESSIG Life

The project ESSIG Life is implemented with the aim of modernizing the IT architecture of the Life business platform, introducing new features.


“One euro per policy with Unipol for Terra Libera”

On 20 March, , Unipol presents the 2008 results of the initiative “One Euro per policy for Terra Libera” in Naples: the amount raised, € 157,000 is allocated to the cooperative “La terra di Don Peppe Diana” for the production of “legal mozzarella” on land confiscated from the Casalesi clan of the


UGF Assicurazioni is incorporated

On 1 February, UGF Assicurazioni becomes operational. It benefits from the commercial strength of the Unipol and Aurora brands, which will retain their separate identity and commercial capacity.


Si consolida l’assetto valoriale di Gruppo attraverso la definizione di una carta dei valori condivisa ed approvata da tutti i dipendenti del Gruppo.


Unipolis at the festival of Internazionale

In 2008, among many other activities, the Foundation Unipolis supports the festival of the magazine “Internazionale” held in Ferrara and signs a four-year agreement with the Association Cinemovel to support access to film culture by populations that are traditionally excluded from it and achieve


Unisalute enlarges Website

Unisalute begins activities designed to bring a portion of its contracts with customers and with suppliers on the web, with the aim of being able to offer better services with shorter waiting time.


Euresa meeting in Pollenzo

The annual meeting of Euresa is held in Pollenzo (Cuneo). The meeting addresses the issues of the global financial crisis that has followed the bankruptcy of the US investment bank, Lehman Brothers.


Corporate agencies of Assicoop

The Group’s strength lies in the diversity of its offer and the agency network represents the most significant element thereof. Assicoop corporate agencies operate alongside the private agencies.


Unipol Banca acquires Unicard

During 2008, Unipol Banca launches a Company reorganization process aimed at splitting the bank into two specialized divisions: business and individuals.


Meeting of Agents Group of Aurora

The Fourth General Meeting of the Agents Group of Aurora is held in Castellaneta Marina (Taranto). On the occasion, the Aurora Agents have set themselves the goal of redesigning their role in the market and the functional reorganization of the Agents Group is studied.


Competition “Group Photo”

A photo contest is launched among all employees, agents and agency staff. The topic of the first edition is “Travel notes”. The 2009 desk calendar will be made up of the 12 winning photographs and will be distributed to all employees.


40 years of the Association of Unipol Agents

In May 2008, the Association of Unipol Agents celebrates its 40th anniversary. During this long period 23 general meetings have been held and 11 supplementary enterprise-agents agreements signed.


Unipol for Libera Terra

Unipol further strengthens its partnership and collaboration relationship with Libera - “Associations, numbers and names against the mafias”.


House organ Pixel is created

In March, the first edition of Pixel, the house organ of the Group, comes out. The first issue is in electronic format, the next issues are printed and distributed to all employees. The latest issue, number 8, is printed in May 2010.


Linear for Coop members

Linear launches a partnership with Coop Italy. With the collection of points, Linear offers Coop members a number of points (up to a maximum of 2,500) to those who purchase or renew a MV TPL policy.


The project to reorganize and strengthen the Unipol Group is brought to completion with the establishment of Unipol Gruppo Finanziario S.p.A.


Linear celebrates 10 years

In 2007, the annual festival of Linear becomes an opportunity to celebrate 10 years in business. On 25 October, all employees gather at the Chalet of the Roses for an event devoted to shared and participated self-management to retrace the path taken together.


Mosaico is created

Unipol launches Mosaico, the Company intranet. The Group’s intranet is completely redesigned both in terms of functions and navigation and with regard to the organization of its contents. In parallel the process of unification of the existing Intranet continues at the various Group companies.


Unisalute acquires Fondo Est

Unisalute acquires and begins to manage Fondo Est, the fund that ensures all workers in the trade, tourism and catering sectors (over 1.5 million people).


Working groups in Europe

In 2007, out of the three working groups set forth under the agreement with the French partners in November 2006, the one relating to the issues of bancassurance is activated.


Unipol launches “2diCuore

Unipol introduces the product “2diCuore” to the market, which allows to combine one’s current account and Motor TPL policy, thereby ensuring customers a significant added value in terms of cost-effectiveness, simplicity and time savings.


The Linear Tribe is born

Linear completely redesigns its website for the purpose of usability, with new features and initiatives, including the abandonment of the “Onlinear” designation. Thus Linear.it is created with innovative services.


Plan for a corporate reorganization of the Group and meaningful change in the governance system towards a more simple and transparent model. The new Business Plan.


Special price “Ingruppo”

In 2006, the Unipol Group decides to provide its employees with a “package” of proposals called “Ingruppo”, covering both the insurance and banking sphere.


New office in Porta Europa in Bologna

The Group starts work on a new elevated building complex in Bologna that arises in Via Stalingrado between Via Aldo Moro and Piazza Costituzione: “Porta Europa”.


New Business Plan

With the change in the Group’s governance, new strategies are defined and new goals set. In September, the preparation and approval of the Business Plan 2007 - 2009 and of the Group’s corporate reorganization plan is put forward.


Project “Evoluzione Aurora”

In 2006, the project “Evoluzione Aurora” (Aurora development) starts and renews all personal computers and laser printers of the Aurora agencies. An important step on the road to technology, speed, and customer response.


Net Link is created

On 6 April, Net Link Aurora and Net Link Unipol, the new web portals dedicated to the agencies become officially operational.


The Group dimension consolidates with the first Social Report. The awareness of representing a focus of interest for a variety of stakeholders strengthens and becomes official.


Takeover bid of BNL

Unipol is the 3rd Company in the Italian market and it pursues the proposed acquisition of Banca Nazionale del Lavoro with a PPO (Public Purchase Offer) of BNL shares to be initiated, however, subject to approval of the Bank of Italy, after consulting ISVAP.


National campaign on road safety

Sicurstrada, the project of the Foundation Cesar along with ASAPS (Associazione sostenitori e amici della polizia stradale, Association of supporters and friends of the traffic police) gives rise to a road safety campaign called “Safe travel for yourself and for others” involving highway Police a


Unipol closes the Foreign Service

In early 2005, Unipol closes the Foreign Service, the organizational unit that had so far guaranteed a functional contact with international institutions (ICMIF and ACME, in particular) and with partners, and the institution Euresa, as well as most of the contacts concerning equity investments in


All claims settlement offices unified

In January, Unipol completes the unification of the Group’s claims settlement offices. The process, which began in 2003 for MeieAurora, involved the settlement offices of Winterthur in 2004. This reorganization has allowed the Company to standardize the IT system and structure on the territory.


A far-sighted policy of acquisitions leads Unipol to the third place among the Italian insurance Groups behind Generali and Allianz in terms of premium income and to the first place in the ranking of pension funds.


Success of the Unisalute model

Not just at the company level, but at the level of entire sectors, the need to include the benefits of supplementary pensions in collective bargaining agreements becomes widespread.


Unipol and “partner” body shops

In 2004 the project “partner body shops” between agencies and trusted auto body repair shops continues in order to significantly improve relations with customers.


Development of Unipol Banca

In 2004, the development in size of Unipol Banca continues with the opening of 19 new branches and the acquisition of 22 branches from Banca Antonveneta. Cooperation begins with Aurora Assicurazioni, the Group’s Company, in order to open branches integrated with such Company’s agencies.


New Life insurance products

In 2004 Unipol satisfies the demand for greater protection and security of capital and returns with new life insurance investment products.


Unipol enhances customer contacts

The Company chooses to take advantage of every opportunity for contact with customers through a dedicated network and by developing front desk skills.


Aurora Assicurazioni is incorporated

During 2004, the Group completes the complex corporate integration operation that witnesses Winterthur Assicurazioni acquire, at various times, the companies MeieAurora, NewWin Assicurazioni and Winterthur Vita, taking the name Aurora Assicurazioni, the third multi-business Company operating in I


Unipol celebrates its first 40 years, bringing the issue of corporate responsibility and social reporting to the European table.


New Products for Unisalute

Unisalute decides to develop the social security sector with products not exclusively supplementary to the health policies.


Forty years of Unipol

In 2003, Unipol chooses to celebrate its fortieth anniversary of its incorporation by inviting the European Association of insurance companies of the cooperative movement, ACME, to organize its annual conference in Bologna, at the Company headquarters.


Linear advertises its policy with true customers

The advertising campaign of 2003 recalls the previous year’s campaign with some new features. In fact, in early 2003, there is the need to renew a message that, while continuing to give great satisfaction in terms of return, is losing effectiveness after more than one year.


Unipol acquires Winterthur Italy

Unipol acquires the Winterthur Italy Group, based in Milan, from Crédit Suisse, strengthening its fourth place in the ranking of Italian insurance companies.


Virtual Museum of Italian Cooperation

The Foundation Cesar creates the “Virtual Museum of Italian Cooperation”, multimedia documentation and information center on cooperation and social economy. The museum features the collaboration of the cooperative world and the Italian Institute of Cooperative Studies Luigi Luzzatti.


The first technological innovations for highway safety make headway. First prototype of the black box for cars.


Unisalute, new product “Senza confini” (without borders)

In November, in collaboration with the American Company Best Doctors, Unisalute launches a new product “Without Borders”, which, in case of serious diseases, provides the possibility of obtaining a second diagnosis by the best doctors at the national and international level and having a ceiling f


Unipol develops Unibox Strada Sicura

Unipol starts developing Unibox Strada Sicura, a technological system that keeps the car under constant satellite monitoring. Exploiting the GSM technology and GPS system, Unibox is able to transmit the data from the car to an operations center open 24 hours a day.


Unipol Banca: 20 branches opened and 80 branches acquired

In 2002, the expansion of the sales network continues incisively. With the opening of 20 branches and the acquisition of 60 branches from the Capitalia Group at year-end, it has reached 173 branches (against 95 at the end of 2001), plus 57 financial outlets and 408 financial advisers.


Increasing attention to ethical and social aspects relating to product offering and partnerships. A new era of responsible business management begins. It will culminate with the award of an Oscar for Social Reporting.


Main agreements signed by Unipol

During 2001, several agreements with the member organizations of Unipol are renewed, the most important of which with CGIL, UIL and the CIA.


Pension funds managed by Unipol

In 2001, Unipol manages the resources of five pension funds (two more than the previous year) and is awarded the management of four more funds.


Sustainable mobility in urban areas

In 2001, Unipol adheres to the initiatives linked to the Decree of the Ministry of Environment on “Sustainable mobility in urban areas” (the so-called Ronchi Decree), which inter alia provides for the commitment of the Regional and local authorities to take measures to prevent and reduce the emis


New Product for companies: “RC Imprese” (enterprise TPL)

In 2001, a new product, geared for enterprises, is launched. It offers the possibility, under a single contract, to insure against risks relating to Third Party Liability against Employees in relation to carrying out a business activity, Liability for Products and Legal Protection.


Board meeting of Euresa in Venice

The Board meeting of Euresa takes place in Venice. A program is prepared for the anticipated Forum program “Innovations and Projects” to be held in Bologna in 2002.


In an age of profound crisis of transparency for institutions and private entities, the Group receives a symbolic recognition for correctness and formal clarity in financial communication to its shareholders and investors.


Unipol Banca branches grow

In 2000, the intensive development program of Unipol Banca continues. Thirteen new branches integrated with insurance agencies and 17 financial outlets are opened.


Reorganization of the agency network

The Company reorganizes its sales network and brings together a number of agencies. This enables an increase in the average portfolio. The market share is reduced for the first time, but this is the result of the entry of leading banking groups in the Life insurance market.


Unipol wins the Oscar for financial statements

On 4 December, as part of the ceremony for the award of the Oscars for financial statements and financial communication in 2000, Unipol is awarded, for the 1999 financial statements, the Oscar in the category of Insurance Companies, in recognition of the formal correctness and clarity of the docu


First Firewall is purchased

The first network perimeter passive defense component is purchased and therefore provides protection in terms of network security.


Linear is rewarded as the most beloved Company by customers

The service quality that Linear offers its customers, and that is one of the strategic priorities of the Company, obtains an important recognition in 2000: Linear is in fact the car insurance company that achieves the highest degree of customer satisfaction and is therefore awarded the BICSI - Da


First Social Report of the Foundation Cesar

On the tenth anniversary of its operations, the first Social Report of the Foundation Cesar is published. Enea Mazzoli is confirmed as Chairman, the Deputy Chairmanship is entrusted to Eugenio Ferioli, while Hon. Nevio Felicetti is confirmed as honorary Chairman.


Acts of solidarity for the protection of jobs

In 2000, Unipol participates in the relocation plan of employees of Universo Assicurazioni, an insurance company based in Bologna merged and moved to Milan. About 80 people are hired in the three-year period 2000-2002.


The Foundation Cesar establishes “The Key to Smiling”

The Foundation establishes the award “The Key to Smiling” to be given to those who strive towards others in the field of road safety, social solidarity and legality. The first three winners in Turin are Norberto Bobbio, Vittorio Foa and Alessandro Galante Garrone.