Year of investment in skills and innovation processes. Training and professional development starts coinciding with the introduction of display screen equipment in the offices.
Unipol works to balance the businesses
The insurance market in Italy reports good gains, being Unipol well above the national average. But the loss ratio suffers an aggravation, especially at the hands of the motor vehicle TPL and general liability insurance. The frequency of claims increases and the average cost grows.
The policy “Sicurhotel” is created
On 25 July, Unipol signs an agreement with the National Association of Tourist Cooperatives for the development of cooperation aiming to strengthen the insurance services offered to members of the Association.
Enea Mazzoli becomes Chairman of Unipol
At the Board meeting held on 18 July, Walter Briganti resigns from the office of Chairman. Enea Mazzoli is appointed as the new Chairman of Unipol.
Unipol authorized to provide insurance in the health and credit sectors
Two different decrees of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Crafts, authorize Unipol to provide Non-Life insurance in the health insurance business and to provide Non-Life insurance in the credit insurance business.
Agreement on the staffing of claims adjustment offices and internal career paths
On 14 May, an agreement is reached on the staffing of claims adjustment offices, internal career paths and organizational revisions.
Agreement on the use of display screen equipment
On 9 May 1979, an agreement is signed on the introduction of “display screen equipment” in corporate offices. The specific activities arising from such introduction are outlined. They must be of a qualitative nature without workforce reductions.
Unipol launches commercial training plans
The Company begins to organize courses for agents mainly focused on sales techniques and product analysis for the various customer segments. The courses aim to transfer methodological criteria to interpret the market in relation to the potential of the areas entrusted to the Agencies.
A new long-term business strategy starts with the introduction of a multi-annual plan for the expansion of business production and organization.
Agreement with workers of the Commercial Service
On 27 September, an agreement is signed with regard to the commercial service workforce. This agreement provides for the minimum staffing requirement in the department and an upgrade and training program aimed at technical and professional support to commercial Adjusters.
The Commercial Service of Unipol is created
On 14 July, the Board of Directors adopts the first measures in accordance with the guidelines laid down at the first Business Planning Conference that has just been held.
First Business Planning Conference
On 15 and 16 June, the first National Business Planning Conference is held and a three-year plan 1978-1980 is launched. Unipol is the first Company that plans its development and economic management on a multi-year basis.
Unipol adheres to the Direct Indemnity Agreement (CID)
The Company increases premiums in the various sectors but, to cope with the worsening trend in claims, it pushes for speed of payments.
New policy for tourism
Unipol presents “Albergo Sicuro” (Safe Hotel), a new policy aimed at tour operators. It includes three coverage sectors: fire, theft - robbery, civil liability, covering damage that the insurance market still does not cover. In 1978 there are 30,000 hotel businesses operating in Italy.
Extension of commercial offer to new sectors in response to the new demands of the domestic market.
Death of Oscar Gaeta
On 15 December, Oscar Gaeta, founder and first Chairman of the Company, passes away in Rome.
Supplementary collective bargaining
On 1 July 1977, a union agreement is signed between Unipol and the corporate Trade Union council.
4th National Congress of Agents
From 20 to 22 May, the 4th National Congress of agents is held in Bologna.
Supplementary Agreement with agents
On 10 March, a supplementary agreement to the 1975 national agreement for agents is entered into between the Company and the Unipol agents.
Training courses for agents
For new agents, Unipol creates a basic training cycle that starts in February and continues until December on a monthly basis.
New Products: companies, households and Life
Unipol presents new products in various sectors: companies, households and Life. A special policy at a fixed rate designed for manufacturing companies and construction companies, called “Azienda Sicura” (Safe Enterprise).
Unipol redefines the concept of insurance, to include protection of land and communities affected by natural disasters.
Agreement with the agents on a reduction in commissions
The 9th National Meeting of the Unipol Agents Group takes place in Naples.
Unipol for the earthquake in Friuli
On the occasion of the earthquake in Friuli, the Company adopts special measures in favor of policyholders residing in the municipalities affected by the natural disaster.
The claims adjustment offices of Unipol grow
On 28 May 1976, the representatives of Unipol sign an agreement with trade unions for new hires in claims adjustment on Italian territory. In settlement services, such new hires are made in respect of the planned decentralization of the claims settlement services (Claims Inspectors).
New accident policy
The new accident insurance is created and among other things provides for the same premium for all the policyholders regardless of the profession carried out and the option to split payment of the premium without any increase in the annual premium.
Cooperation agreement between Unipol and CNA
On 11 February, a cooperation protocol is signed in Florence between Unipol and the National Confederation of handicrafts.
Strengthening the sense of identity and belonging: a new “home” to cultivate the corporate culture.
Unipol purchases land in Via Stalingrado
On 18 December, the Board of Directors of Unipol decides to start negotiations with the Municipality of Bologna for the purchase of land located in Via Stalingrado in order to create the new headquarters of the Company.
Walter Briganti Chairman of Unipol
After the resignation of Michele Brunetti as Chairman for family reasons, on 17 October the Board of Directors of Unipol appoints Walter Briganti as Chairman, confirms Cinzio Zambelli as Deputy Chairman and managing director teaming up with Vitaliano Neri.
CISL joins Unipol
In June 1975, CISL enters the shareholding structure of Unipol by subscribing for 42,000 shares.
Alleanza Contadini joins Unipol
In April, an agreement between Alleanza Contadini and Unipol is signed in Rome. The agreement includes a structured collaboration tending to give an efficient insurance service to farmers and farming companies.
First National Congress of Producers
On 15 March, the 1st National Conference of Producers and sub-agents takes place in Bologna.
The privileged link with the local communities is strengthened thanks to the birth of CRU, Unipol regional councils providing an operational link with the local target market.
Coop motor vehicle policy is launched with an advance discount
By Ministerial Decree of 30 December, the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Handicrafts approves the “Coop. motor vehicle” policy presented by Unipol with advance discount clause of 22% on the basic premium rate, with provision, in the event of loss, of 35% of the same premium rate.
Unipol at the conference of International Cooperative Insurers
Unipol, as a member Company of the International Cooperative Insurance Federation (ICIF), participates in the first conference of cooperative insurers held in Tokyo.
Enea Mazzoli joins Unipol
Enea Mazzoli joins the Board of Directors of Unipol as a representative of the consumer cooperatives and Coop Italy.
Renewal of corporate officers in Unipol
The Board of Directors held on 21 June confirms the Chairman, the Deputy Chairman and appoints managing directors.
First production Conference of Unipol
From 31 May to 1 June, the first Production Conference is held in Bologna with the participation of about 300 people. The conference discusses the Company’s development opportunities in the next five years.
“Da chiodo a chiodo” (From nail to nail), the policy for the transport of works of art
Unipol enters the insurance industry of exhibitions and art expositions. The insurance “from nail to nail” is created and covers works of art from the moment they leave their usual location until they are returned.
Walter Villa wins the Unipol Trophy
On 17 March, more than 30 thousand people attend the International Motorcycling Trophy Unipol at the Racing Track in Modena (first national championship race for senior riders in the classes 50-125-250-350 and 500 cc). Walter Villa is the brilliant winner of the 250cc class.
The Regional Councils are created
The Regional Councils of shareholders are set up and later take the name of Unipol Regional Councils (CRU). They are genuine operational and political instruments for the connection between the Company and its target market at the regional level.
Links with trade associations and the cooperative movement are reinforced. The agreement with the trade unions pushes the Company to adopt a policy of agreements with the 3 main trade unions.
Two new rates of Unipol Vita
To underline the attention that Unipol Vita reserves to its policyholders, in November two new rates are instituted.
Damage of the Cooperative “La Proletaria” reimbursed
On 13 July 1972, the department stores of the Cooperative “La Proletaria” in Piombino take fire. The fire destroys the entire building insured by Assitalia and Unipol on equal terms.
CGIL and UIL join Unipol
Unipol, as a cooperative company, decides to open up to the world of work and decides to have trade unions enter into its shareholding structure.
Unipol joins the League of Cooperatives
Unipol formally joins the National League of Cooperatives and Mutual Societies due to an amendment to the Bylaws of the National League of Cooperatives. Whereby institutions and bodies controlled by the same can also join the League of Cooperatives.
CNA joins Unipol
In September 1973, Confederazione Nazionale dell’Artigianato (CAN, Artisans’ national trade association) enters the shareholding structure of Unipol subscribing for 26,500 shares. G. Negretti is the official of CNA designated to enter the Company’s Board of Directors.
Donata Govoni wins the 400 meters
The Bologna athlete Donata Govoni, sponsored by Unipol, wins the 400 meters at the Italian championships of athletics. Another success for the image of Unipol, which is mainly channeled through youth sports in these years.
Unipol signs an agreement with ARCI Caccia
Unipol signs an insurance agreement with Arci Caccia for third party liability and hunters’ accident. Following the agreement the policy for hunters is drawn up. Over 100 thousand policies are subscribed in 1973.
Tenth Anniversary of Unipol
On 16 June, the tenth anniversary of the Company is celebrated at Teatro Comunale in Bologna. The General Meeting to approve the financial statements for 1972 is held on the same day.
The Volksfuersorge Group enters into Unipol
On 11 June, the Group Volksfuersorge subscribes for 900,000 Unipol shares and 60,000 shares of Unipol Vita.
Unipol meets the Trade Unions
On 27 May, the Company organizes a meeting in Rome between the president of the German Trade Unions Hans Oskar and the general secretaries of the Italian trade unions.
Corporate agreement on career planning
On 8 March, an agreement is signed between the Company and the trade unions council on the management of workers’ career planning in Unipol.
First display screen equipment arrives
In the early 70’s, the first IBM 3270 display screen equipment appears on the market.
Technology makes its entry into business processes: the first IBM display screen equipment for the optimization of the management of archives is installed.
The Handbook of Property Classes is created
The Unipol Underwriting Service processes and distributes the first Handbook of Property Classes, a real manual for reference.
First Supplementary Agreement with the Unipol Agents
The first supplementary agreement is signed between the corporate Management and the Agents Group for different rules on the contractual statute of cancellation of the mandate.
Unipol opens the Reinsurance and International Relations Office
Aware of the importance of the reinsurance leverage the Company opens a Reinsurance office and appoints a contact person for foreign relations.
Giacomo Agostini wins the Unipol Trophy
Giacomo Agostini, world motorcycling champion, wins the Unipol Trophy held in Modena on the 19th and is awarded the prize by the Chief Executive Officer Cinzio Zambelli.
Sudden change in market conditions with the introduction of compulsory motor vehicle TPL. Unipol is active in the defense of consumer rights.
Electronic management of the portfolio starts
The effort made for the electronic management of the portfolio proves to be important with the new regime introduced by the mandatory MV TPL.
Unipol renovates itself at the theater “La Ribalta”
A restructuring of management is required to make the Company more efficient through a wider decision-making base of the top management team.
Agreement on commissions between agents and the Company
During the second Congress of agents that takes place in Bologna, the Unipol agents agree with the Company on a 13% commission ceiling.
Unipol asks the extension of the compulsory MV TPL
Unipol is the first insurance company to ask the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Crafts, to extend the generalized discount of 10.75 percent for one year. This discount policy, aimed at the defense of consumers, is maintained by Unipol until the end of 1973.
Corporate welfare, work-life balance and staff policies, the first significant step towards workers’ rights.
First internal company regulations
On 27 July, the Board of Directors of Unipol discusses and approves the Company’s internal regulations.
Assicoop Bologna is created
On 20 July, Assicoop of Bologna is established; the first Chairman is Giancarlo Pasquini.
General Meeting to approve the financial statements
On June 30, the General Meeting of shareholders approves the financial statements for 1970. Total premium income exceeds ITL 9 bln. Net profit exceeds ITL 16m. There are 207 Unipol agencies, and 24 claims adjustment offices.
The way they worked: Punch-card office
The punch-card Office is an important part of DPC and the increase in the Company’s business brings the department workforce up to 23/25 people.
Agreement Unipol-Volksfürsorge
On 28 January 1970, a cooperation framework agreement is signed between Unipol and the German group Volksfürsorge.