
Consumer electronics enter the homes of the Italians:
the era of mass computerization begins.



Strengthening of work-life balance and corporate welfare measures through the corporate supplementary agreement.


Telephone exchange is introduced

On 21 December, an agreement is signed between the Company and the trade union organizations which introduces the telephone exchange “IBM 1750”.


Change at the top of Unipol

On 15 December, the Board of Directors accepts the resignation of Cinzio Zambelli from the office of Deputy Chairman and Chief Executive Officer.


Congress of Unipol Agents

The eighth Congress of the Unipol Agents Group takes place in Rome and Giancarlo Nannipieri, Livorno agent, is elected as chairman.


Reorganization of Unipol brands

During the year, the Company reorganizes the Group’s brands. The color choice is green for companies in the insurance industry and blue for those in the financial sector.


New corporate supplementary agreement, PAI begins operations

On 4 February, the corporate supplementary agreement is signed. The supplementary agreement further strengthens the system of relations based on participatory mechanisms and employee involvement in enterprise development, which has marked the previous supplementary contracts.


First historic agreement with trade union associations on supplementary pensions of employees.


Volksfuersorge sells its stake in Unipol

On 11 December 1989, the placement with the public of 5,280,500 ordinary shares is held successfully. They represent 18% of the ownership share of the Volksfuersorge Group of the Federal Republic of Germany.


Unipol turns 25

On the occasion of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the establishment of the Company, Unipol sponsors the opera “Don Carlo” by Giuseppe Verdi held at Teatro Comunale di Bologna on April 1.


Unipol meets Macif

On 30 March, the meeting in Bologna between Enea Mazzoli and Cinzio Zambelli with Jacques Vandier.


The health and accident business grows

The accident business grows by 15.7% while the health business grows by 37.9%. Development of the sector is strongly influenced by the evolution of the health care system, which in particular favors the development of the health business.


Positive performance well above average in financial markets and brand promotion through participation in key political events.


Recruitment under work training contracts

On 9 February, an agreement is signed which, based on previous experiences judged to be positive, states that 50% of the hires included in the budget for the current year should be under a work training contract.


The Unipol preference shares are admitted for trading on the stock exchange markets of Milan, Bologna and Rome. The first advertising campaign to increase the awareness level of the Group is launched.


The ICIF Congress in Quebec

The ICIF Congress in Quebec (Canada) confirms the role of Unipol in Europe on the development and training of the sales network. The original model of Assicoop, at the center of the Company’s growth process, arouses the interest of the participants.


Unipol is listed on the Stock Exchange

On 28 July, Unipol preference shares are admitted to listing on the Milan, Bologna and Rome stock exchange markets. After being offered at ITL 6,800, they immediately jump to ITL 16,900 on the first day. At the end of the day, demand is almost 18 times higher than shares on offer and available.


Delegates of the International Co-operative Bank gather in Venice

The National League of Cooperatives is now one hundred years old. Unipol and Fincooper host about 100 delegates of the Annual Meeting for the approval of the financial statements of the International Cooperative Bank (INGEBA, Internationale Genossenschaftsbank) in Venice.


Agreement on overtime work

On 16 May, an agreement is signed between the Company and trade union organizations to limit prolonged use of overtime work.


Unipol trains its agents

The Company, with funds allocated by the European Social Fund, develops an intense training activity addressed to agents in Emilia Romagna.


Interest in the environmental issue strengthens. A green strand, made up of conferences, scholarships, support to initiatives aimed at protecting the environment and the Company’s presence as a sponsor of the Second National Congress of Legambiente.


Staffing of local departments

On 11 October, an important agreement is signed with the trade unions on the staffing of departments throughout the entire National territory.


New role of the CRU

The Unipol Regional Council (CRU) is a Unipol body for the promotion of participation in regional areas. Due to the nature of the forces that make it up, namely the trade unions, cooperatives and professional members, it is also a body that pays attention to customers and consumers.


The sales network training office is created

The third Business Planning Conference of the Company is held in Bologna on 20 and 21 June, during which the proposals for the Three-Year Plan from 1985 to 1987 are presented and discussed.


The Group invests in in-house training and IT resources as strategic assets for the development of business.


Sea Environment Award

On 19 December, the delivery of the first research Prize “Sea - Environment” takes place in Venice. It is organized by Unipol with the patronage of the World Health Organization and the Environment Program of the United Nations, the Mediterranean Action Plan.


Unipol presents “Sicurezza Esercenti”

As a result of the joint commitment of Unipol and Confersercenti, “Sicurezza Esercenti” (security for merchants) is created in October. This is the new insurance program that wishes to meet the various security needs of merchants and commercial enterprises with completeness and flexibility.


“Unicasa” is created

“Unicasa” is the unified program between Unipol and Associazione Cooperative di Abitazioni (ANCAB, Association of housing cooperatives) that arises out of the need to make a contribution to families in search of accommodation.


Headquarters expands, the tunnel is created

Work proceeds for the doubling of the headquarters building: the new premises include a gross surface area of approximately 12,000 square meters for offices. The new complex on three floors is adjacent to the current headquarters only divided from it by the canteen room.


Company training project launched

The training project aims to fully meet the training needs of the different business areas relating to the development and evolution of the enterprise.


First initiatives of a social kind and efforts in redefining the national welfare system.


Sixth Congress of Agents, a new Chairman is elected

The Sixth Congress of the Unipol Agents Group is held in Sorrento (Salerno). Characterized by a lively debate on the line to be pursued with the senior management, the congress closes with a thorough renewal of the governing bodies: Giorgio Pesaresi, Ancona agent, is elected as Chairman.


Unipol celebrates the twentieth anniversary

For its twentieth anniversary, Unipol decides to launch a series of initiatives with the intent to underline some aspects that are peculiar to it: its social origins and its being a service enterprise not aiming at speculation.


Unipol counters monetary inflation by remodeling its commercial offer, simultaneously enhancing its customer care service and, on the managerial side, introducing a Control system to guarantee the achievement of Business Plan targets.


Second Three-Year Plan Conference

On 21 and 22 April the Second Business Planning Conference is held defining the objectives of the Three-year Plan 1982 l 84 by subjecting them to the discussion with all internal corporate bodies with a considerable effort in the preparation and organization.


Management Control starts

The Management Control project starts. This project involves the planning and control of the main items of cost and revenue relating to the Company. All these items can be configured in four areas: Premiums, Claims, Administrative expenses, and Financial income and charges.


The Budget Award for the commercial network is created

In the early months of the year, the Commercial Service prepares an analytical picture, agency by agency, concerning receipts and portfolio classified by policy and management. These procedures allow the creation of the Budget Award, i.e.


New corporate supplementary agreement

On 17 February 1982, a corporate supplementary agreement is signed. It addresses and introduces various contractual clauses that can be defined as cutting edge. Among others:


A decade of booming business and simultaneous management streamlining begins.


Unipol doubles its agencies

The Company starts the new decade with a significant increase in agencies. In a decade it has more than doubled the number of agencies around the Country, going from 207 agencies in 1971 to 447 points of sale.


Organizational management micro-structures are created

On 28 July, an agreement is signed according to which, in connection with the formation of management organizational “micro-structures”, provides for the participation of employees in the organization and planning of activities; the same agreement also includes preventive meetings with trade unio


Unipol opens its new headquarters

On 20 June, in the presence of Mayor Renato Zangheri, the new headquarters in Via Stalingrado are opened in Bologna, Fiera. The new offices spread over 10,500 square meters. The staff gathered in the new premises comprises 692 employees.


In Bologna, international meeting of ICIF

On 15 May, ICIF, International Cooperative Insurance Federation, representatives congregate in Bologna to show the solidarity that exists in the Cooperative Insurance Movement operating in 35 countries on five continents.


Merger of Unipol Vita into Unipol

After the Extraordinary General Meetings of shareholders of Unipol and Unipol Vita, on 17 October 1980 it is decided to proceed with the merger of Unipol Vita into Unipol. By decree of the Ministry of Industry No. 13235 the merger between the two companies is authorized on 29 April.


Unipol, the new rate RCD is created

Unipol places several new products on the market, in the theft, fire, motor vehicle, other risks and accident businesses and updates the ceilings and capital of motor vehicle TPL and Other Liabilities policies in order to properly protect policyholders and eliminate large areas of under-insurance


Remodeling of the commercial offer and rates with the introduction of an insurance instrument with a fixed annuity.