
An overview of the ratings issued by rating agencies.

Financial strength ratings are assigned to operating companies and are opinions on the insurer’s ability to meet obligations towards policyholders.

Financial Strength Rating

Debt ratings are security specific opinions that reflect the instrument’s likelihood of default.


IssuerISINTypologyMaturity dateRating
Unipol GruppoXS1206977495Senior Unsecured 03/18/2025Ba1 RoR for UpgradeBBB RW Positive
XS1725580622Senior Unsecured 11/29/2027Ba1 RoR for UpgradeBBB RW Positive
XS2237434803Senior Unsecured - Green09/23/2030Ba1 RoR for UpgradeBBB RW Positive
UnipolSai AssicurazioniXS1784311703Subordinated01/03/2028Ba1 (hyb)BBB-
XS2249600771SubordinatedperpetualBa2 (hyb)BB+
 IT0005596207Subordinated23/05/2034Ba1 (hyb)BBB-

*Best's Credit Reports reproduced on this site appear under licence from A.M. Best Company and do not constitute, either expressly or implicitly, an endorsement of (Rated Entity)'s products or services. Best's Credit Reports are the copyright of A.M. Best Company and may not be reproduced or distributed without the express written consent of A.M. Best Company. Visitors to this website are authorised to print a single copy of the rating report displayed here for their own use. Any other printing, copying or distribution is strictly prohibited. Best's ratings are under continual review and subject to change or affirmation. To confirm the current rating visit www.ambest.com.

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