The rate customization strategy continues with new brand policies entirely online. The brand Onlinear is created.
Unipol training unified
In 1999, the departments of Personnel Training and Sales Network Training are unified. A skill mapping project funded by the European Union for Claims and all middle managers is carried out. The analysis and design of an e-learning platform begins.
Unipol and its customers
In 1999, there are over 3,700,000 Unipol customers. They are essentially cooperative companies, employed workers, and self-employed workers, whose relationship with Unipol is often “mediated” through their trade organizations.
Development of Unipol Banca
In the second half of 1999, there is a significant commercial development, with the opening of 10 branches integrated with insurance agencies.
Congress of agents, renewal at the top
At the Congress of Unipol agents in Maratea, Mario Orlandi, Macerata agent, replaces Giancarlo Nannipieri as Chairman of AAU, Unipol Agents Association. A focal point of the congress is the regulation of the relationship between agents and Unipol Banca.
Regional Legal recognition for the Foundation Cesar
For the Foundation, the year 1999 is a particularly important year due to the attainment of legal recognition.
“Lunga Protezione” (long protection) is launched, the first product for elderly care
During 1999, Unisalute tunes up the first LTC product (Long Term Care) for the elderly, which can also be sold on an individual basis.
The website of Unipol is created
During 1999, Unipol starts to use a new Internet communications tool, by networking their www.unipol.it site.
The brand Onlinear is created
During 1999, Linear develops the Internet sales channel, which has demonstrated the validity of an intuition and a strategic choice made in 1997, which is taking on an increasingly important role in the development of the Company.
Foreign companies watch the business models of Linear and Unisalute with interest
The new insurance Company launched by Unipol, Linear, arouses a lot of interest from two French mutual companies. Both Macif and Maif visit the new company to study the business model.
Unipol proposes a new project for Assicoop
The Company makes an innovative project for the three-year plan addressing the sales network of Assicoop.
Unipol enters the Pension Funds sector
The year 1999 is the year of commencement of the Company’s actual operations in the important pension fund sector.
Unipol adapts its computer system for the date change (“millennium bug”)
The adaptation of the information system for the year 2000 is planned and organized in time. At the end of June, a test of the entire system is performed using the augmented power of the mainframe computer, defining an appropriate “test environment” dated 2000.
This is the era of an innovative business project focused on the aggregation of insurance outlets with bank branches. UnipolBanca is incorporated.
The Life insurance business grows
In 1998, the income from single-premium products greatly develops with an increase of ITL 200 bln, i.e. 54.60% over the previous year. This development is characterized by three special events: 1. issuance in February of rate 336 with determined guaranteed rate of return, 2.
Unisalute continues to grow
The Company continues to grow and to climb the rankings in the health sector.
BANEC acquired, Unipol Banca is incorporated
In late 1998, Unipol Assicurazioni acquires a majority stake of BANEC, Banca dell’Economia Cooperativa S.p.A.
Databank Prize 1998 to the Life Business of Unipol
In July 1998, Unipol is rewarded by Databank for being “the Company that has achieved an excellent overall performance in customer ratings in Italy” in the Life business.
Databank Prize 1998 to the Life Business of Unipol
In July 1998, Unipol is rewarded by Databank for being “the Company that has achieved an excellent overall performance in customer ratings in Italy” in the Life business.
The Association Sicurstrada is created
The Foundation Cesar establishes the Association “Sicurstrada”. It is founded as a result of the remarkable development of the project “Sicurstrada”. Sicurstrada brings together leading public and private organizations involved in the field of road safety.
Enea Mazzoli Chairman of Euresa
In 1998, Euresa rethinks its role and its initiatives. The opportunity is provided by the Board meeting held in Coburg, at the headquarters of the new German partner, the mutual company HUK Coburg.
Linear signs new standing agreements with Carisbo and CAER
In 1998, the standing agreements with Carisbo, CAER, for the sale of motor insurance by bank tellers, and the Air Force (“Ready in 5”) become fully operational.
Birth of the Linear Club
The image awareness of Linear increases registering a strong growth thanks to targeted advertising campaigns.
The sector of Miscellaneous People Risks is created
The new office Miscellaneous People Risks brings together the management of risks relating to several classes, but aimed at a specific market segment for people.
Relaunch of ACME
An important project, designed in 1997, which also Unipol has contributed to, is the one regarding the relaunch of ACME.
Strengthening of the Company’s presence in the health care business, from commercial offer to participation in the public debate on Welfare.
New training methods
In 1997, 90 courses are conducted, for a total of 2,025 participants and a total number of 5,156 man / days.
Unipol, women employees outnumber men
In 1997, the employees of Unipol are 1,525 people divided between men (49.6%) and women (50.4%). Thus women have overtaken men, mainly due to the recruitment of female staff for the Sertel operations center.
Unipol reduces the claims settlement period
In the period 1993-1997, Unipol reports a contraction of 8 days in the average time for the settlement of claims.
International conference on health care
Unisalute, along with the Foundation Cesar, organizes the conference: “Health care in Europe: new integration models among public systems, private spending and social economy” in Bologna.
Unisalute begins operating in the health care business
On 1 October, Unisalute begins operating in the health care sector, offering its policyholders (but not only) the possibility to gain access to medical advice.
Congress of agents
On 26, 27 and 28 June, at the Congress of Unipol agents in Silvi Marina (Teramo), Giancarlo Nannipieri, Livorno agent, is re-elected.
The Beijing office closes
The Beijing Representative Office is closed. It is the realization that the attempted operation in China cannot be realized due to the assessed impossibility to find a local partner with whom to carry out a worthy investment partnership, a necessary factor.
The Foundation Cesar begins cooperation with ASAPS
The Foundation Cesar begins cooperating with ASAPS , to carry out information campaigns on road safety prevention issues.
Linear grows and launches its first national advertising campaign
After experimenting in some regions of northern Italy in the second half of 1996, the year 1997 witnesses the expansion of the insurance coverage of Linear over the entire Italian territory.
The innovative approach of the Company and technological evolution of the times radically reshape the Company’s distribution strategy and interaction with customers / users.
Unisalute strengthens affiliated facilities
During 1996, Unisalute develops a network of agreements with entities operating in the Health sector.
Training of employees
In 1996, 95 courses are provided to 928 participants for a total of 3,792 man / training days.
Unipol develops policies for artisans and merchants
Unipol especially develops the sectors of self-employed workers and construction companies.
The social security fund of Unipol
The Company contributes to funding the supplementary pension scheme through payment of an annual contribution to the Pension Fund, for the benefit of each employee.
New corporate supplementary agreement
On 14 November, the new corporate supplementary agreement is signed. The Agreement provides for extra work to be used as an alternative to overtime. The extra working hours are made up for by enjoying permits of an equivalent number of hours.
Unipol Sertel is created: electronic claims settlement
Thanks to Unipol Sertel, policyholders no longer have to travel to the Agency to report an accident.
Agreement on the operations center Sertel
On 11 September, an arrangement is reached between Unipol and the trade unions on the project, called “Sertel”.
Unipol renews its directors
On 5 July, the Board of Directors of Unipol appoints Giovanni Consorte and Ivano Sacchetti to the top position at Unipol.
Linear is authorized to provide insurance coverage
On 18 June 1996, the ISVAP Measure authorizing Linear to provide insurance coverage is approved.
Enea Mazzoli becomes Chairman of the Foundation Cesar
The mission of the Foundation Cesar is expanded. As from 29 May, it changes into Centro Europeo di Ricerche dell’Economia Sociale e dell’Assicurazione (European research center for social economy and insurance).
Health care Conference “The role of insurance, supplementary and mutual funds in the reorganization of the Italian NHS”
The findings and ideas arising from this conference are then disseminated on the market with meetings organized by the Regional Councils of Unipol (CRU).
Linear Assicurazione is incorporated
Following the example of other European countries with a free market, Unipol has found it necessary to integrate its distribution strategy with the telephone channel.
The progress of the times and the evolution of the sector drive the Group towards a new distribution strategy, geared to the direct channel through the establishment of a new Company.
Project Idea Verde (green idea) of the Foundation Cesar
The partnership between the Cesar Foundation and CIA gives rise to the environmental education project “Idea Verde”.
Project Idea Verde (green idea) of the Foundation Cesar
The partnership between the Cesar Foundation and CIA gives rise to the environmental education project “Idea Verde”.
Unipol launches “Strada Sicura” (safe road)
Unipol launches “Strada Sicura”, a new product relating to the motor vehicle business, which includes a wide range of guarantees: Custom Motor TPL, Other Motor Risks, Assistance, Accident and Legal Protection.
Unipol launches two new Life products, T400 and T333
To respond to a growth in demand and diversification of the market segments in the Life business, Unipol launches two new policies: T400, recurring premium Life insurance policy, which offers customers the ability to change the amount of periodic payments if their cash availability changes, and i
Agreement on the representation of workers’ safety
On 28 July, Unipol and the trade unions reach an agreement on the appointment of members to represent workers for safety in the workplace as set forth in Legislative Decree No. 626/94.
Incorporation of the company Directa S.p.A.
On 28 July, a new company is incorporated under the name “Compagnia Assicuratrice Directa S.p.A.”.
The telephone exchange of Unisalute is created
On 3 July, the Unisalute telephone exchange begins operating. It provides the customer with an information service relating to health plans and/or assistance on medical or insurance issues.
Eleventh Congress of agents, AAU is created
In June, the 11th Congress of the Unipol Agents is held in Perugia, which witnesses the election of the new management team. Tonino Orru, Nuoro agent, takes the office of Chairman.
Unipol opens an office in China
In May, the Chinese authorities issue an authorization to open the Unipol Representative Office in Beijing.
The deregulation of rates leads to the first customization of policies and customer portfolio segmentation.
Corporate training activities
In 1994, the Unipol training sector produces 100 courses addressed to employees.
R+V and Folksam join Unipol
Two other European social economy partners enter into the corporate structure of Finsoe.
Unisalute is incorporated
Unipol decides to create the first Italian Company specialized in supplementary health care.
Unipol customizes the MV TPL rate
On 1 July, the deregulation of policy rates for motor vehicle liability insurance enters into force (pursuant to Directive 49/1992).
The Unipol local network is created
During 1994, Unipol makes investment in new information technologies.
Conference of the Foundation Cesar on biological damage
On 12 March, the Foundation Cesar organizes a forum in Rome with experts on the “Evolution in jurisprudence of the concept of Biological Damage and related MV TPL rate prospects, on the eve of deregulation”.
New step towards transparency and dialogue with stakeholders through the publication of the Group’s first social report.
Unipol redefines its organizational and commercial strategic model
Unipol confirms and reinforces the choice to make the agency network the key distribution channel of the Group.
First Social Report on the thirtieth anniversary of Unipol
The goal is to expand the information on the Company’s business activities, keep alive the debate and dialogue with users and social organizations.
Unipol seeks a partnership in China
A Unipol delegation led by Chairman Mazzoli undertakes a trip to China in late November.
Corporate supplementary agreement
On 16 June, the new supplementary agreement is signed. The agreement will make further important progress in the field of supplementary collective bargaining, both with respect to financial factors and in relation to regulations.
Social security Fund
On 15 June, it is agreed between Unipol and the trade unions to set up a new social security Fund having only social security purposes.
Canteen service in Unipol
On 15 June, the 1982 Agreement relating to the meal delivery to workers between Unipol and the trade unions is completely revised and replaced. Time changes to the canteen service, composition and price of the “standard meal” are established. (ITL 5,450)
“I quaderni di Cesar” (The Cesar Notebooks) come out, a publication on insurance issues of the Foundation Cesar
The Foundation Cesar presents the first issue of “I quaderni di Cesar” (The Cesar Notebooks), a volume that contains the proceedings of the study seminar “Biological damage: expectations and reflections on the legislation passed by the Senate and being discussed by the lower Chamber”, organized i
Cruising at sea, the convention of the sales network
With a speech by Chairman Mazzoli, centered on cooperative ethics, the third conference of the Unipol sales network opens on 11 April.
Unimedica, the health policy of Unipol, is created
Unipol launches Unimedica, an innovative health insurance policy aimed at those who wish to protect their health with coverage that supplements, or is an alternative to, that provided by the National Health Service.
Project Sicurstrada is launched
While studying insurance issues in depth, the Foundation Cesar focuses on road safety and prevention in general. In 1993, it launches the project “Sicurstrada”. With it the Foundation Cesar directs its actions towards young people and the educational world.
Unipol enters the Greek Company Syneteristiki
It is a small Company, still young, in a small market, in search of support for development in financial terms.
Unipol taking the challenge of a united Europe
Unipol has been taking part in a European network of alliances between insurance companies with trade relations and exchange of technology and know-how.
First statement of values and corporate culture through a special testimonial promoting corporate sustainability unprecedented for the times.
The ICIF Meeting is held in Tokyo, ICMIF and ACME are created
A Unipol delegation attends the meeting of the Insurance Cooperatives International Federation (ICIF), held in Tokyo. The decisions taken at that meeting, with the relevant amendments to the regulations, are among the most important in the history of the insurance cooperative movement.
Series of meetings on “The organization and development processes in Unipol”
In line with the commitments undertaken with workers and trade union organizations, Unipol organizes a series of meetings with all employees.
Unipol launches two new products in tune with the times
Unipol launches two new products that aim to meet the demands linked to the evolution of the society: the professional future of children and protection of citizen’s rights.
The Foundation Cesar opens an office in Rome and expands its activities
The Rome offices of the Foundation Cesar are opened and organized. The Foundation’s activities are no longer addressed to professionals in the insurance industry only, but also to rights and duties of the consumer-motorists.
Meeting with the trade unions on the state of the Company
On 11 March, the Chairman and the Office of Personnel meet with trade union organizations to discuss the “overall state of the enterprise”. On this occasion, a greater involvement in the Company’s choices is prompted, while respecting roles and autonomies.
Messner testimonial in the new Unipol advertising campaign
In March, the new Unipol advertising campaign is presented. It is characterized by an expressive slogan with a great impact “A way of life in a world to be lived thoroughly”. Reinhold Messner is chosen as testimonial representing a good summary of the values that Unipol shares with its users.
Formalization of the Group’s social and institutional role in the national economy with its entry in the national industry association.
The Foundation Cesar organizes an international conference on insurance in Venice
In the belief to contribute to the construction of the European market, on 28 November, the Foundation Cesar organizes the first biennial conference on Insurance in Venice, a unique meeting of its kind and the first to bring together key European industry research centers.
Cinzio Zambelli dies
Cinzio Zambelli, honorary Chairman of Unipol dies in the afternoon of Thursday, October 17.
Acts of solidarity for the protection of jobs
In 1991, Unipol participates in the relocation plan of employees of Ausonia Assicurazioni and Latina Renana, an insurance Company based in Bologna.
Unipol opens a representative office in Moscow
In the spring of 1991, Unipol opens a representative office in the Moscow of Mikhail Gorbachev for what would still be the Soviet Union for a few more months.
Unipol enters the executive committee of ANIA
The Chairman of Unipol, Enea Mazzoli, is appointed member of the executive committee of ANIA (Associazione Nazionale delle Imprese Assicuratrici).
Unipol organizes the conference “Public social security and supplementary pensions”
Unipol becomes the sponsor of a major conference in Rome at CNEL on supplementary pension. The reports of Prof. Roberto Artoni of IRS (Istituto per la Ricerca Sociale, Institute for Social Research) and Prof.
New products are launched: “Unimaster” and “Sicurezza di base”
Unipol launches two insurance services that will have a good technical and sales return: “Unimaster”, for the coverage of the civil liability of professionals (notaries, doctors, engineers, architects, land surveyors, bookkeepers and accountants) and “Sicurezza di base”, an insurance program that
Computerization of agencies and claims adjustment offices completed
At the beginning of 1991, Unipol completes the process of automating agencies, covering over 97% of the premium portfolio.
New stock market conquest with the entry of the ordinary shares in the stock market. The Consorte era begins.
New structure at the top of Unipol
On 11 December, following the resignation of Deputy Chairman and Managing Director Giacinto Militello, the Board of Directors renews the offices of the Company’s top management.
The Virtual Agency is created at Unipol
At the same time as the development of the mechanization process, the Office “Virtual Agency” is formed. It simulates all mechanized processes in the agency. It is the office where all the documents of the agencies still not mechanized are gathered and entered into the electronic center.
Creation of the Foundation Cesar
The incorporation meeting of the Foundation Cesar takes place on 15 June 1990. The acronym CESAR stands for Centro Europeo Studi Assicurativi e Ricerche (European organization for insurance studies and research).
EURESA is incorporated
In May, Unipol participates in the incorporation of EURESA, a holding Company and EEIG (European Economic Interest Group) which includes 4 companies.
Acts of solidarity for the protection of jobs
In 1990, Unipol participates in the plan of relocation of employees of AICA (Alleanza Italiana Cooperative Agricole, Italian Agricultural Cooperative Alliance). Between 1990 and 1995 Unipol resizes and reorganizes the financial sector and relocates employees in the Group’s insurance companies.
Unipol designs courses for claims handlers
In the wake of the courses for agents and consultants, the Company organizes a specific training plan intended for the claims handler network.
First edition of the courses “Basic personal computer and electronic mail” for employees
In February, Unipol organizes the first in-house courses to teach the use of electronic mail and basic personal computer. The courses are aimed at internal employees and claims handlers.
Unipol on the stock exchange with ordinary shares
After preference shares, also Unipol ordinary shares make their debut on the Stock Exchange market with a list price of ITL 25,800. At the time of listing Unipol is the sixth Italian insurance Company with premium income that exceeds ITL 1,000 bln in 1989.
There is talk about supplementary health care
From an intuition of Cinzio Zambelli, a working group is started with representatives of the trade unions CGIL, CISL, UIL and BUPA, the largest English mutual fund.