Unipol for Libera Terra

Unipol further strengthens its partnership and collaboration relationship with Libera - “Associations, numbers and names against the mafias”. The campaign “one euro per policy” consists in allocating this amount to the association for each insurance contract signed under the standing agreements with the historical member organizations of Unipol (CGIL, CISL, UIL, CONFESERCENTI, CIA, CNA and LEGACOOP), in addition to ARCI and SUNIA. On 14 March 2008, on the eve of the event which commemorates the victims of the Mafia in Bari every year, € 145 thousand collected during the previous year are delivered to Libera during a public event held in the Municipal Council Chamber in the presence of highest local authorities, Father Luigi Ciotti and the Chairman of UGF, Pierluigi Stefanini. The sum is allocated to supporting the cooperative Libera Terra Puglia, which produces olive oil and wine.