Unipol taking the challenge of a united Europe

On 1 January 1993, the European Community officially becomes a single market without internal borders, but especially for Unipol, the European insurance has been operating for many years, well before 1 January 1993. For some time now, Unipol has been taking part in a European network of alliances between insurance companies with trade relations and exchange of technology and know-how. Common and preference shares of Unipol are owned by the companies Prévoyance Sociale (Belgium), Macif and Maif (France), Folksam (Sweden), Wiener Stadische (Austria) and Canadian Cooperators (Canada). Unipol has investments in subsidiaries of Prévoyance Sociale, Macif, Maif, and Lagun Aro (Basque Country). Reale Mutua owns Unipol shares and Unipol owns shares of two companies controlled by Reale Mutua, with which it jointly controls the company Universo Assicurazioni.