In 2012, the Group intranet has been further improved with the redesign of entire sections and the implementation of new features and services. The section “NoiUnipol”, which aims to collect in a systematic and structured way all projects, initiatives and actions that Unipol realizes for improving the quality of working life of its employees is opened.
During the year, the following initiatives are carried out: “In the office with mom and dad”, the traditional afternoon with younger daughters and sons of the employees on a visit to their parents’ offices; the photo contest “Group Photo 2012”, aimed at the producing a 2013desk calendar, on the topic “Reflections of Time”; the eleventh edition of the Unipol Scholarship “Grazia Fortuna Mascolo,” thanks to which Unipol offers five scholarships to as many students, sons and daughters of Unipol employees and agents; the first edition of the “Intercultura” grant, which offers two study trips overseas to student daughters and sons of Unipol employees.