The mission of the Foundation Cesar is expanded. As from 29 May, it changes into Centro Europeo di Ricerche dell’Economia Sociale e dell’Assicurazione (European research center for social economy and insurance). The Foundation thus widens its purposes also towards issues concerning not only the private insurance and collective interest, but also cooperatives, mutual societies, foundations and associations that belong to the Social Economy. Enea Mazzoli, Honorary Chairman of Unipol, is appointed Chairman of the Foundation, Hon. Nevio Felicetti is the Deputy Chairman, and Giancarlo Brunello is the Secretary General. During the year, the headquarters are opened in Bologna, Palazzo Merendoni, in via Galliera 26. In October the Foundation Cesar sponsors the conference organized by the three cooperatives (Legacoop, Confcooperative and AGCI) dedicated to the relationship between “Cooperative enterprise and economics of participation” that takes place in Imola. Leading representatives from the business world, trade unions and associations, as well as Italian and foreign scholars, participate.