ASviS 2022

Official website
Past event

For the sixth consecutive year the Unipol Group is sponsor of the Sustainable Development Festival, which will be held for the sixth time from 4 to 20 October across the country and online.

Every year the Festival raises awareness on the themes of economic, social and environmental sustainability among increasingly large swathes of the population.

With thousands of initiatives recorded in its first five iterations, the Sustainable Development Festival underlines the constant attention that Italian society focuses on the issues of the 2030 Agenda.

This year’s Festival marks an important juncture on the path towards the realisation of the 2030 Agenda, just 8 years away from this ‘deadline’. As ever, the main initiatives will include three events organised directly by the Secretariat of ASviS, which will closely examine issues of transversal importance for sustainable development: the opening event on 4 October [during which the new ASviS Report “L’Italia e gli Obiettivi di Sviluppo Sostenibile” (Italy and the Sustainable Development Goals) will be presented], a main event on 12 October [entitled “La transazioni ecologica: sfide ed opportunità in Italia e nel mondo” (Ecological transactions: challenges and opportunities in Italy and the world)] and the closure of the Festival on 20 October in Rome [“Verso il 2030: una nuova generazione di idee si fa spazio” (Towards 2030: time for a new generation of ideas”)].

The packed Festival programme also includes events organised across the country by the Unipol Regional Councils (CRU, Consigli Regionali Unipol) which will take an in-depth look at the many issues connected with the 2030 Agenda and relative Sustainable Development Goals.


5 October 2022 – Torretta Granitola (TP)

“Il mare sostenibile” (The sustainable sea)

7 October 2022 – Aosta

“Innovazione tecnologica come driver di sviluppo della Valle D’Aosta” (Technological innovation as a driver of development in Val D’Aosta)

7 October 2022 – Bolzano

“Trasformazione etica-ecologica dell’economia per la salute umana e ambientale” (The ethical-ecological transformation of the economy for human and environmental health)

7-8 October 2022 – Procida

“Il Mediterraneo nella sfida per la sostenibilità” (The Mediterranean and the challenge for sustainability)

11 October 2022 – Unical Arcavacata di Rende (CS)

“Direzione futuro” (Direction: the future)

12 October 2022 – Pieve di Cadore (BL)

“Comune interesse” (Common interest)

18 October 2022 – Gorizia

“L’opportunità di sconfinare” (A chance to broaden our horizons)

19 October 2022 – Turin

“Good jobs, green jobs”

24 October 2022 – Trento

“Vaia: un tragico evento che ci obbliga a ripensarci” (Vaia: a tragic event that has forced a rethink)

25 October 2022 – Rome

“Una capitale sostenibile” (A sustainable capital)