Welfare Italia 2020

Three proposals to start back after the pandemic.

The 2020 report by the “Welfare Italia” think tank, developed by the Unipol Group with The European House - Ambrosetti, was issued today.


The 2020 edition of the “Welfare Italia” Think Tank Report was presented today in live stream; it was developed by Unipol Gruppo with The European House - Ambrosetti, with the support of a scientific committee comprising Veronica De Romanis, Giuseppe Guzzetti, Walter Ricciardi and Stefano Scarpetta.

The following people contributed to the annual meeting for the analysis, examination and reflection on welfare matters, open to interactive discussion among the main public and private stakeholders in the sector (decision-makers, national and local government representatives, social partners, banks and pension and assistance funds, and representatives of companies, workers, universities and the voluntary sector): Elena Bonetti (Minister for Equal Opportunities and the Family), Alberto Brambilla (Chairperson, Itinerari Previdenziali), Carlo Cimbri (Group CEO, Unipol Gruppo), Valerio De Molli (Managing Partner and CEO, The European House - Ambrosetti), Veronica De Romanis (Professor of European Economic Policy, Stanford University Program in Florence and LUISS Guido Carli in Rome; scientific advisor with “Welfare, Italia” Think Tank), Daniele Franco (Chairperson, Institute for the Supervision of Insurance “IVASS”; General Manager, Bank of Italy), Roberto Gualtieri (Minister of Economy and Finance), Giuseppe Guzzetti (former Chairperson Cariplo Foundation; scientific advisor with “Welfare, Italia” Think Tank), Mario Nava (General Manager, Structural Reform Support, European Commission), Antonio Polito (Columnist and Deputy Editor, Corriere della Sera), Walter Ricciardi (Advisor to the Ministry of Health for relations with the international healthcare public institutions for the Covid-19 healthcare emergency; Chairperson “Mission Board for Cancer”, European Commission; scientific advisor with “Welfare, Italia” Think Tank); Riccardo Sabatini (Chief Data Scientist, Orionis Biosciences, Boston, USA), Stefano Scarpetta (Director, Department of Employment, Labour and Social Affairs, OECD; scientific advisor with “Welfare, Italia” Think Tank), Marco Simoni (Chairperson, Human Technopole Foundation), Pierluigi Stefanini (Chairperson, Unipol Gruppo) and Giovanni Toti (Deputy Chairperson of the Conference of Regions and Autonomous Provinces, President of the Liguria Region).

The Think Tank will deliver three concrete proposals to the government and public institutions regarding the future welfare system:

  • DIGITISATION OF THE HEALTHCARE SYSTEM: -25% in days spent in hospital and savings of €4.5bn per year through the interoperability of healthcare databases and telemedicine
  • STREAMLINING SOCIAL POLICIES: by streamlining welfare instruments, €10bn could be freed up for active job policies with +200 thousand jobs and a return to pre-Covid levels in 5 years
  • DEVELOPMENTS IN PENSIONS: with a reduced tax rate of 11.5% on returns and the adoption of flexibility instruments +2.5 million people taking out supplementary pensions and €7bn in extra resources

Launch of the Regional Welfare Italia Index, an instrument to monitor and support Regions to assess the effectiveness and response capacity of the welfare system.

Read the complete Press Release.