Eccentric Natures

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CUBO, the business museum of the Unipol Group, presents “Eccentriche Nature” (Eccentric Natures) in Bologna, from 5 June to 5 October 2024, in the two company properties in Porta Europa and Torre Unipol. The exhibition is curated by Pasquale Fameli and brings together ten female artists from Bologna analysing aspects of their production that address nature and, specifically, vegetation.

Sergia Avveduti (1965), Pinuccia Bernardoni (1953), Mirta Carroli (1949), Valentina D’Accardi (1985), Giulia Dall’Olio (1983), Sabrina Mezzaqui (1964), Sabrina Muzi (1964), Francesca Pasquali (1980 ), Greta Schödl (1929) and Sissi (1977) are the protagonists of an exhibition that includes over twenty-five works, which, through sculptures and installations, photographs and drawings, up to the most radical conceptual research, provide a non-obvious vision of one of the most topical themes ever: the relationship with the environment and the understanding of the boundaries between natural and artificial dimensions.

In the history of Bolognese art, vegetation assumed relevance in the neo-naturalism movement of the mid-twentieth century, but remained relegated to informal painting, typical of a purely male perspective, according to the curator. In “Eccentriche Nature”, however, we wish to tell the female point of view that emerged in the following decades. The artists have been selected for their preferred relationship that, during their research, they established with forms of nature, working according to differentiated approaches that reflect some of the most significant trends in contemporary art, always balanced between formalism and conceptualism.

The exhibition conceived by the curator Pasquale Fameli proceeds through generational juxtapositions that allow us to highlight the affinities between artists belonging to the same cultural climate, emphasizing mixes between distant generations capable of activating further meaningful relationships between them.