White Economy: innovation and growth. Public and private support for new welfare models.

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Past event

Entrepreneurs, academics and operators in the healthcare, assistance and social security sectors will meet to discuss innovative business and social initiatives as well as policy models for the organization of the new welfare demand. The event is a part of the "Welfare Italia - Workshop for new social policies", a permanent platform for discussions and reflection on the subject of welfare. 

The works, introduced by Pierluigi Stefanini, Chairman of the Unipol Group, will see interventions, among others, of:

Giorgio Alleva, Presidente ISTAT
Carlo Calenda, Ministro dello Sviluppo Economico
Carlo Cimbri, Amministratore Delegato, Group CEO e Direttore Generale Gruppo Unlpol
Georg Flscher, Director for "Social Affairs" Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and lnclusion' at the European Commission
Salvatore Rossi, Presidente IVASS e Direttore Generale Banca d'Italia

Moderator: Antonio Polito, Vice Direttore Corriere della Sera