Antonietta Mundo


Born in Rome on 11 September 1946
University studies: Degree in Statistical and Actuarial Sciences from the Sapienza University of Rome
Enrolled in the Actuary Register and Member of the National Association of Actuaries from 1976 to 2014

Main professional experience

  • from 1967 to 1982 Worked at the Statistical Office for the General Management of ENPI - Ente Nazionale Prevenzioni Infortuni 
  • from 1982 to 1999 Actuary at the National Social Security Institute (INPS)
  • from 1999 to 2007 Central coordinating actuary at the INPS Head Office. Sector manager for databases on companies, employment and salaries, analyses and international comparisons regarding welfare. Appointed INPS representative at the Ministry of Labour for all statistical and actuarial aspects and forward-looking estimates regarding welfare reform (law no. 247/2007).
  • from 2008 to 2013 Central coordinating actuary at the INPS Head Office. Responsible for Statistical and Actuarial General Coordination.
  • from 2008 to 2013 Member of the Productivity and Absenteeism Commission of the Ministry of Public Administration, as well as member of various institutional committees and commissions for the Ministry of Labour, ISTAT, INAIL, and the European Commission, performing statistical and actuarial activities. Coordinated and participated in European projects on social security issues.
  • from 2015 to 2018 Member of the council Commission on "Optimizing IT processes" for Cassa Nazionale Previdenza e Assistenza Ragionieri e Periti Commerciali – CNPR

Positions Currently Held

  • since 2016 Director of Unipol Gruppo S.p.A.
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