Unipol Group: draft financial statements and consolidated financial statements for 2017 approved

The Board of Directors of Unipol Gruppo S.p.A., which met today under the chairmanship of Pierluigi Stefanini, approved the integrated consolidated financial statements and draft financial statements of Unipol Gruppo, confirming the preliminary results reported on 9 February last.

  • The preliminary results reported on 9 February last are confirmed
  • Normalised consolidated net profit of €655m, not including the one‐off effects of the Group banking business restructuring plan. Considering said effects, there was a consolidated net loss of €169m (net profit of €535m in 2016)
  • Return on financial investments of 3.7%
  • Consolidated solvency ratio based on economic capital of 169%
  • Proposed dividend of €0.18 per share
  • Shareholders’ Meeting scheduled for 24 April 2018
  • Sale of Arca Vita to UnipolSai approved for €475m

Read the Press Release.