
Strategic management of sustainability means acquiring planning, management and control tools that are directly related to the industrial ones.

In light of this, the Unipol Group has a detailed accountability system for sustainability, which includes the following tools:

  • The Three-year Sustainability Plan is the strategic positioning instrument that integrates, supports, accompanies and guarantees the achievement of the Group’s Strategic Plan. The Plan is prepared with the involvement of all Departments, in parallel and integrated with the Strategic Plan. Starting from the strategic goals defined by Top Management, actions to be implemented over the three years and monitoring indicators for assessing the progress and achievement of the goals are defined together with management. The Sustainability department coordinates the drafting of the Plan and oversees monitoring and reporting, which take place every six months and are presented to Top Management and the Sustainability Committee of the Board of Directors alongside the results of the Strategic Plan.
  • Integrated Consolidated Financial Statements: after the entry into force of Legislative Decree No. 254 in 2016, the Unipol Group has chosen to integrate the Non-Financial Statement pursuant to Decree No. 254/2016 into the Integrated Report on the Consolidated Financial Statements, which have thus become an essential tool for transparently managing relations with all stakeholders. Reporting non-financial issues in the overall model in which the organization plans, develops, and manages its activities makes it possible to include reporting in the Group’s process of continuous improvement, rather than preparing the same for the purpose of mere compliance with a regulatory requirement. The topics contained in the Group’s Annual Integrated Report were drafted in accordance with the Guiding Principles of the International <IR> Framework and in compliance with applicable legislation. The indicators relating to non-financial reporting were defined in accordance with the “G4 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines” of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), based on which a materiality analysis was carried out to identify the most important issues for the Group’s core business and for its stakeholders. In order to verify compliance of the Non-Financial Statement with the requirements of the Decree and the “In accordance” criteria with Core options of the GRI G4 Guidelines, in line with the best international practices, the annual integrated report was subjected to a “limited assurance” process according to the ISAE3000 standard. Assurance is the attestation provided by third parties on the basis of expressly stated professional principles and standards of compliance, which concern compliance with enunciated drafting principles in their various component parts.
  • The Sustainability Report is a document drafted for the reporting of the economic, social, and environmental dimensions of UnipolSai’s activities in a long-term perspective. It is structured in consistency with the themes that emerged from the materiality analysis and were positioned in the Matrix provided by the GRI G4 guidelines and corresponds to the areas of analysis of the main ESG funds. The UnipolSai Group’s Sustainability Report is drawn up on a yearly basis and is published at the same time as the Consolidated Financial Statements.

In order to verify the compliance of the Sustainability Report with the GRI G4 guidelines, in line with the best international practices, the Sustainability Report is subject to a limited assurance process pursuant to the ISAE 3000 standard. Assurance is certification provided by a third party on the basis of expressly defined principles and professional testing standards, concerning compliance with the basis of preparation set out in their various sections.