A Unipol delegation attends the meeting of the Insurance Cooperatives International Federation (ICIF), held in Tokyo. The decisions taken at that meeting, with the relevant amendments to the regulations, are among the most important in the history of the insurance cooperative movement. It is, in fact, decided to extend the Federation from the cooperative movement to the social economy in general and therefore also for insurance mutual companies, change its name to ICMIF (International Cooperative and Mutual Insurance Federation). For the first time, member companies and groups have a real operational tool at their service, and that means, among other things, to be able to better act with the same international institutions for really effective development and lobbying initiatives because they are supported by research specialist and by a different and more effective awareness of their role and resources. Changes concerning the ICMIF are also transferred to the European association: AECI thus becomes ACME (Association des Cooperatives et Mutuelles d’Assurance européennes), which maintains the legal form of a non-profit association.