The Association Sicurstrada is created

The Foundation Cesar establishes the Association “Sicurstrada”. It is founded as a result of the remarkable development of the project “Sicurstrada”. Sicurstrada brings together leading public and private organizations involved in the field of road safety. Its Executive Council comprises the Chairman of ASAPS (Ass. Amici e Sostenitori Polizia Stradale, Ass. of Friends and Supporters of Traffic Police), ANVU (Ass. Nazionale Vigili Urbani, National Ass. of Local Police) and the representatives of ACI (Automobile Club Italiano, Italian Automobile Club), ANCI (Ass. Nazionale Comuni d’Italia, National Ass. of Italian Municipalities) and ANIA (Ass. Nazionale Imprese Assicurative, National Ass. of Insurance Companies).