The companies Lavoro e Previdenza and PREVIAAC are incorporated

On 19 December, the Board of Directors of Unipol approves the incorporation of two joint-stock companies aimed at supplementary pension, “Lavoro e Previdenza S.p.A.” targeting employed workers, “PREV.I.A.A.C. S.p.A.” targeting self-employed workers.

Lavoro e Previdenza S.p.A. is incorporated by Unipol with the participation in the property of the three trade union confederations CGIL, CISL, UIL (together they hold 15% of the share capital at the rate of 5% for each organization) and it is created for the purpose of specializing in service management and provision of benefits relating to supplementary pensions of employed workers.

Due to its shareholding structure, “Lavoro e Previdenza” is a strategic choice with which the three trade union Confederations can act on the pension market with direct knowledge as proponents of rules and regulations and with a suitable instrument to keep costs down and encourage benefits for workers.

PREV.I.A.A.C. stands for Previdenza Integrativa Artigiani, Agricoltori e Commercianti (supplementary pension for artisans, farmers and merchants”. It is a company incorporated by Unipol with the participation (with a 15% stake) of Confederazione Nazionale dell’Artigianato (CAN, National confederation of artisans), Confederazione Italiana Coltivatori (CIC, Italian confederation of farmers) (5% of the capital), Confederazione Italiana Esercenti (Confesercenti, Italian confederation of merchants) (5% of the capital), and it is designed to work in the segment of supplementary pensions provided to self-employed workers.