Aware of the importance of the reinsurance leverage the Company opens a Reinsurance office and appoints a contact person for foreign relations. The new office immediately undertakes a revision of reinsurance agreements for margin coverage, which in a company as Unipol is always growing and is a substantial problem.
Leveraging the existing international relations within ICIF, relying in particular on ICRB, i.e. the reinsurance Bureau of the International Federation, of which the Unipol adviser, Lemaire, is Chairman, the previous setup is abandoned (which has witnessed the German Gerling as leader) and a new reinsurance policy is outlined, having as leader the German group Volksfürsorge, chaired by Walter Rittner.
Intense negotiations with the company Hamburger Rückversicherung (the specialized company of the Volksfürsorge Group) allows the Company to bring the assigned portfolio initially requested from 80% to 50% with a streamlining of the contract and launching an offer to other ICIF insurance cooperative companies (30% for mutual and cooperative companies as Prévoyance Sociale, the Swedish Folksam and the English Cooperative Insurance Society).