I don't dance alone

Friday, November 20, 2020 - 11:48

The Unipol Group events for the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.

In order to mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, the Unipol Group proposes an event to reflect on this highly topical issue. CUBO, the corporate museum of the Unipol Group, and Iniziative di Welfare, in association with Irs - Institute for social research and Fondazione Libellula, are organising a number of events to support schools in the education of young women and men to respect gender differences and tackle violence in all its forms.

Saturday, 21 November 2020 from 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. Streameeting “CONTRO GLI STEREOTIPI E LA VIOLENZA DI GENERE A SCUOLA” (“TACKLING STEREOTYPES AND GENDER-BASED VIOLENCE AT SCHOOL”), a meeting for teachers and educators, will start with an initial session together, followed by three parallel workshops to analyse the issue more deeply in accordance with the target ages. It will be introduced by Pierluigi Stefanini, Chairperson of the Unipol Group. The following will also address the meeting: Elly Schlein, Deputy President of the Emilia Romagna Region, Chiara Brescianini, Director of the Emilia-Romagna Region School Department, Alberto Alberani, Manager of the Legacoop Social Regional Committee, and Michela Marzano, Philosopher, Writer, Professor of moral philosophy at the Université Paris Descartes. Tita Ruggeri will end the initial session with a theatrical performance on a text by Eugenio Cardi.

The three workshops:

EDUCARE ALLA PARITÀ. TRAIETTORIE PEDAGOGICHE PER UN IMPEGNO CORRESPONSABILE TRA SCUOLA E FAMIGLIE (CULTIVATING EQUALITY. EDUCATIONAL TRAJECTORIES FOR A JOINT COMMITMENT BETWEEN SCHOOLS AND FAMILIES), for educators and teachers of children aged 3-11. Francesca Dello Preite, Lecturer at the University of Florence, will act as coordinator. The following will also address the meeting: Daniela Paci, Teacher, Internship supervisor for the Educational Science Degree at the University of Udine, Giuseppina Diamanti, Psychotherapist and Teacher, and Silvia Gollini, Director of the Bet She Can Foundation.

INDIVIDUARE STEREOTIPI DI GENERE NEI MODELLI FORMATIVI E INFORMATIVI (IDENTIFYING GENDER STEREOTYPES IN EDUCATIONAL AND EXPLANATORY MODELS), for teachers of pre-adolescents aged 11-15. Daniela Robasta, Lecturer in experimental educational theory at the Department of Philosophy and Educational Science - University of Turin, will act as coordinator. The following will also address the meeting: Davide Coero Borga, Designer and Scientific communicator, Donatella Caione, Member of the Networking Women Association of Foggia, and Linda Tallone, Project manager of InspirinGirls from Valore D.

RIFLESSIONI E STRUMENTI PER IL CONTRASTO DELLA VIOLENZA DI GENERE CON RAGAZZE E RAGAZZI ADOLESCENTI (IDEAS AND TOOLS TO COMBAT GENDER-BASED VIOLENCE WITH ADOLESCENTS), for teachers of adolescents aged 15 and over. Cristina Gamberi of the Department of Languages, Literature and Modern Culture of the University of Bologna, will act as coordinator. The following will also address the meeting: Alice Biagi, Manager of the Cassero School Project, Lorenzo Macchi, Educator and Primary school teacher, Member of the PartecipArte association, and Lucia Beltramini, Psychotherapist at the University of Trieste.

The meetings in live stream will be on the CUBO platform and are open to everyone, with booking recommended on cubounipol.it.

On Wednesday, 25 November at 11.30 a.m., as a tangible sign of its commitment to combat all forms of violence against women, the Unipol Group will place a second red bench in Bologna, in Via Larga under the Unipol Tower, as a follow-up to the first bench placed in the Porta Europa gardens last year. The bench was created in association with the Equal Opportunities Commission of the Unipol Group insurance business and bears both the sentence “Love generates love and not violence” and 1522, the toll-free number that can be called for help and support by victims of violence and stalking.

CUBO is the Unipol Group company museum designed as a cultural sharing space. We present heritage, Unipol history and the social role of insurance, using the language of culture and art, since we know that culture is the best tool for social development, inclusion and dialogue.