Purchase of treasury shares for the compensation plans based on financial instruments approved by Unipol Gruppo and a number of subsidiaries

Thursday, March 21, 2019 - 17:40

Please note the following regarding the press release of 15 March 2019 concerning, among other issues, the launch, on 15 March 2019, of the purchase programmes (the “Programmes”) for treasury shares (the “Shares”) of Unipol Gruppo S.p.A. (“Unipol”) by Unipol and the following directly or indirectly controlled companies: Alfaevolution Technology S.p.A. (“Alfaevolution”), Arca Vita S.p.A. (“Arca Vita”), Gruppo Una S.p.A. (“Gruppo Una”), Finitalia S.p.A (“Finitalia”), Leithà S.r.l. (“Leithà”), SIAT S.p.A. (“Siat”), UnipolSai Assicurazioni S.p.A. (“UnipolSai”), UnipolSai Servizi Consortili S.c.r.l. (“USSC”) and UniSalute S.p.A. (“UniSalute”, and, along with the other subsidiaries, the “Subsidiaries”) for the performance share compensation plans based on financial instruments for the Managers of Unipol and the Subsidiaries for the 2016‐2018 three‐year period.

In accordance with article 5, third paragraph of Regulation (EU) 596/2014 and article 2, third paragraph of Delegated Regulation (UE) 2016/1052, Unipol and the Subsidiaries acquired on 15 March 2019, on the regulated market, a total of 1,265,200 Shares (equal to approximately 0.176% of the share capital of Unipol), for a total of €5,377,883.26, as detailed in the following charts which describes, for Unipol and for each Subsidiary, the detailed lists of the individual purchases indicating
the quantity, respective prices and when the transactions were carried out.

Unipol and the Subsidiaries have concluded their respective Programmes to purchase treasury shares through the above‐described transactions.

Read the complete press release